Capacité : CAN
Peut exprimer :
la capacité : He can do it. He can swim.
la permission : Can I leave the table ? Yes you can.
l'offre : Can I help you ?
la caractéristique occasionelle : He can really be mean.
Incapacité : CAN'T
Peut exprimer :
l'impossibilité : I can't swim.
Incapacité : I can't speak German.
le refus de permission : Can I leave ? No you can't
l'interdiction (générale) : You can't smoke ont the premises
reproche : Can't you work a little harder ?
Capacité au passé : COULD
capacité : When I was young, I could jog for hours
la capacité hypothétique : I could write a book if I wanted to.
la demande de permission : Could you open the door ?
caractéristique occasionelle au passé : She could be very arrogant
conseil / suggestion : You could be nicer to her, don't you think ?
reproche : You could have asked me!
Incapacité au passé : COULDN'T
Impossibilité / incapacité au passé : She couldn't come last year.
Incapacité hypothétique : He couldn't win even if he wanted too
Interdiction / refus de permission : Mum told us what we couldn't go to the cinema
Autorisation / Politesse : MAY
Autorisation : Photos may be taken in the museum.
Demande de permission : May I open the window ?
Souhait : May it last!
Interdiction : MAY NOT
Interdiction : Visitors may not walk on the grass
Conseil : MIGHT
Conseil : You might buy a present for her
Reproche : You might have tried harder
Regret : I might have written sooner
Ordre : MUST
Ordre / obligation : I must try harder
Style indirect : She told me I must go
Interdiction : MUSN'T
Interdiction : She musn't play with matches
Requête : WILL
Proposition polie : Will you marry me ?
Accord, désir, volonté : Yes, I will
Caractéristique : Boys will be boys
Refus : WON'T
Refus : I won't talk to you
Accord : WOULD
Volonté : She told me she would do it
Habitude : As a child, he would scream for hours
Requête, proposition polie : Would you have dinner with us ?
Refus au passé : WOULDN'T
Refus : She wouldn't talk to us.
Proposition : SHALL
Offre : Shall I drive ?
Prédiction : This time tomorrow, I shall be on holidays
Volonté / détermination : I shall never give up
Instructions : Teachers shall meet every morning
Ce sont des auxiliaires, ils se conjuguent comme des auxiliaires.
Modaux + Base Verbale
Prononciation : SHOU(L)D , COU(L)D , WOU(L)D